A big THANK YOU to all those who supported my project : https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/le-sel-d-ernest Cyril.
You helped "resurrect" Ernest".
mum, dad, Véronique and Thibault De Maillard, Josette and Gérard Videau, Nathalie and Christophe Videau, Valérie Roubertou and Eric Faure, Danièle and Bernard Fradet, Madeleine Guillon, Liliane and Jean Lurton, Agnès Lamôme, Madeleine and André Audurier, Odile Duburcq, Manu & Jean Phi Elme, Isabelle and Lionel Béthune, Evelyne Ménagé, Fanfan Berchotteau and Régis Léau, Alain and Nathalie De Catuelan, Anne De Bartillat, Muriel and Philippe Rebois, Beryl Flament Hennebique, Michel Cottereau, Forgues Dominique, Christophe Guillon, Francis Senceber, Betty Mottard, Toffart Laetitia, Annie Roy, Peggy and Frédéric Nerrière, Béatrice Courtois, Sophie François, Anne Bonneau, Gaëtane and Paul Renaud, Vincent Valade the “V”, Sylvie and Jacques Bernicard, Amélie Bernicard and Arthur Tollu, Le Frisé Gourmet, Christelle and Mickaël Morin, Alex Jeantet, Cécile Baudart, Jacqueline and Vincent Garrigues, Aurélie Ducos, Alexis Orlandini, Nathalie Desperches Boukhatem, Flavie and René Chaussin, Estelle Goumard, Martine and Patrick Goumard, Philippe Curet and Daniel Garçon, Maryse Labbé, Paule Labioche, Lesley Thomson Banse, Jocelyne and Jean Paul Leydier, Michelle and Jean Pierre Mercier, Monique and Daniel Pauline, Danielle Ferme, Mosser Laurence, Marquet Chantal, Bazoge Franck and Laurence, Catherine Veneziani and Hervé Bonnot, Claire and Dodo Cointault, Nicole and Christian Moitrel, Alain Meunier, François Perrenoud, Jacques Cosnefroy, Caroline Merle and Didier Dumas, Catherine and Guy Cipriani, Fanny and Jean Baptiste Dumond, Fred and Chantal Henry Biabaud, Barbara and Philippe Maynial, Noelle and Raoul Des Horts, Cristiana and Marie De Corte, Catherine Pierra Rossi and Jean Noël Auclert, Marie Hélène and Christophe Stricker, Nathalie and Henry Neuville, Petersen Ariane, Abgrall Valerie, Mogilany Audrey, Maizeret Anne, Hugerot Solène, Virginie Courtioux, Annie Barrios, Eric Lambert, Vincent Lamy, Thierry Girard, Patrice Toty, Thomas Raphael, Jean Celse, Sylvain Petit, Michelle and Gérard Carayol Morand Guilaine, Joël Minot, Andre Michael, Diana Massimo.