Ernest's Salt
-Terroir & Tradition-
Ernest's Marsh
This small plot of 20 salting areas (harvest squares) has remained abandoned. for over sixty years. This sea field was once exploited by Mr Caillaud Ernest, Saunier harvesting. It was in 2016 that the clay bottoms resurfaced after a long restoration work and that the wasteland has regained its configuration of the past, according to the wish of its current operator, Cyril Bellin: to resume the History of the marsh, where it was interrupted in the past and retain its original identity in order to perpetuate the transmission. This is how "Le Sel d'Ernest" has since been cultivated again in pure tradition.
Terroir of the Ile de Ré
- Capture of La Chabossière -
Plot 35

Salt of Terroir
Coarse Salt & Flower of Salt
Natural Sea Salts
Our Sea Salt is harvested in our salt marsh in Ars en Ré in a traditional way according to the principle of evaporation in the open air.
Our ancestral activity is entirely manual and depends essentially climate and weather conditions. The harvest takes place in summer because we have need the sun and its heat to optimize the appearance precious crystals. After natural drying with Sun and by the wind the salt is sorted manually in order to eliminate any natural impurities (clay, wild grass, insects, seafood shells) then we condition it. It does not undergo any transformation or refining, thus retaining all its benefits natural, minerals and trace elements that compose it.

Aire en saunaison, formation et concentration de sel dû à la chaleur naturelle du soleil

Séchage au soleil de la fleur de sel

Photo aérienne, les marais salants de l' Ile de Ré, vus d' un cerf volant

Le Simoussi est un outil traditionnel en bois utilisé pour la récolte de gros sel

“Gastronomy is the art of using food to create Happiness”
- Theodor Zeldin -

Les alliés d' Ernest : safran, espelette, yuzu, maceron, curcuma, truffes,

Sel d' Ernest en pot vintage
Indispensable ally
What would we do without him? ... Not much, finally what is certain is that the Kitchen would no longer be quite the same. Everything is in balance, no more, no less. Whether for boiling, cooking in salting or in a crust, develop marinades, for a very specific preparation associated to herbs and spices or as a final seasoning, the detail that makes all the difference, and that awakens the taste buds of epicureans, foodies and gourmets.
They selected Ernest: discover the suggestions of our Ambassadors
email: cyril@leseldernest.com
Phone: 05 46 37 56 90
mail: Le Sel d'Ernest - 1bis rue du Havre- 17590- Ars en Ré
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